(Page prepared by a nature’s observer)

Fauna Considerations 

    As it is known, Brazil is the country of biggest diversity in the world.
    For the evolutionist Ernst Mayr, fauna in strict sense is the totality of species in the area, and in broad sense are the kinds of animals found in an area as a result of the history of the area and its present ecological conditions (Evolution and Diversity. Selected essays of life. Harward University Press. England, p.563).
    Fauna can be domestic, consisting of the animals that were domesticated by man and savage that are the savage animals, the animal that live in savage state, not depending on men for surviving and procreating, living free in their habitats. Normally when people talk about fauna we think about savage fauna, so this will by the kind of fauna that we are going to write about.
    As it is known, fauna has fundamental importance:
    - in the ecosystems’ general balance, because lots of animals are vital to the existence of many plants, because they are constituted in the procreation link because their pollen agent, as hummingbirds, butterflies, beetles etc.
    - a lot of animals are seed’s dispersers that have the necessity of passing by their intestinal organ, as many mammals, also remembering that practically all the animals are excellent fertilizer agents.
    -  they also have their importance in the food chain.
    Food factor
    In terms of food, fauna is really important, being primordial to human race that always depended on it for surviving. Hunt was the rudimental used way by our ancestral for obtaining food. It also is for some Indian tribes that live isolated in the Amazonas Rainforest.
    The fauna handling also can be very important to man who is called civilized, who can maintain and and develop savage animals creation with the finality of obtaining proteins. As time goes by scientific knowledge acquired in this area make possible a better knowledge of this activity, what can result in a big species diversity, making the quality and quantity of production better, complementing the products which are extracted from domestic animals, by the biotechnology and genetic engineering. But all of this respecting the species’ preservation.
    Touristic factor
    The maintenance of wild fauna also makes its touristic exploration possible, because each year becomes bigger the number of people that look for the natural parks for seeing wild animals. Just birders (those people who observe birds), there are about 80 million, representing a very important economical potential, because they need to lodges and the commerce around the observing area, generating big incomes. There is also the fishing for food in natural areas, that also generates million of dollars all around the world. Besides this aspect, sportive fishing can become big income source for the State by the taxes and by million peoples and factories that are directly or indirectly linked to it. In the USA, for example, this sport has become in an industry, with direct annual invoicement of about US$ 60 billion and it is part of the preservation system of natural parks by its organizer, the Fish and Wildlife Service. We can also think about the possibility of touristic exploration of the sportive fishing.
    Educative factor
    In educational terms, fauna maintenance is also very important, because it makes possible to Young people the contact to wild animals, and so they start knowing life in its primitive splendor, allowing that some lessons be learned about life and behavior by the attention observation.
    Scenic beauty factor
    Another importance in fauna maintenance by parks and natural reserves is the possibility of providing to people some places of plastic and scenic beauty, making valuable the life’s condition of everyone who has access to it.

    Fauna legal nature
    As it is known, the elements that composed fauna and also the fauna are part of biodiversity and this is one of the mainly aspects that form the environment. The balanced environment is a good of common use of everyone and essential to life’s quality, as the article 225 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, taking us to the conclusion that the fauna, as an environment component is also a good of everyone’s use, and consequently a diffuse possession, besides being an environmental possession.
    Its is not a public possession meaning Public Power property, but of a possession of public character, diffuse and of everyone’s common use.
    So, in Brazil fauna has legal nature of an environmental possession of everyone’s common use and diffuse character.
    Protection and decline
    Fauna and flora protection can and must be done by: administrative and legal gauges.
    The administrative steps are creation of Units of Conservation by the Public Power, the application of the rules in international conventions as RAMSAR and CITES.
    The legal steps are the content of our legislation, which is abundant in Brazil related to fauna and flora protection, and so existing sufficient legislation for the fauna protection.
    This way fauna has primordial importance in the existence and development of natural areas, and also remembering that are indirect producers of economical benefits that wood exploration, fruits, forestall resins etc. can provide to men.
    Besides, we cannot forget that the animal and vegetal divisions form a lay in the Earth, known as biosphere, which follows physiological laws that when are in harmony allow the species’ surviving. Destroying this harmony in a violent way by human interference will make that million of species become in an extinction process, resulting in some time the extinction of the own human race, so wild life maintenance and of natural flora is essential to global life maintenance.
    The world fauna decline is verified at any moment, mainly for the destruction of natural environments. Each day a lot of species are extinct in the entire world.
    So, we can conclude that fauna has vital importance for the Earth’s biosphere maintenance and consequently to human and our preservation is primordial for maintaining the planet life’s quality, as the own life in the planet.

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